We close our season in a magical kingdom beneath the sea where a beautiful young mermaid longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. Join us for Disney's The Little Mermaid!
Ariel- Sydney Hassler
Eric- Matthew Eads
Ursula- Jessica Wells
Sebastian- McKenzie Jessen
Flounder- Brooklyn Martin
Scuttle- Kiley Bishop
King Triton- Joshua Hengst
Flotsam- Alec Merrill
Jetsam- Josh Merrill
Chef Louis- JC Kovac
Grimsby- Brendan Boyd
Aquata- Marisa Tualla
Andrina- Meghan Orner
Arista- Mia Dybvig-Pawelko
Atina-Miranda Blum
Adella- Katie Kirsch
Allana- Quinlyn Ashlock
Ian Rey Sausedo, Kelsey Kerber, Veronikka Rose Sylvas, Cathy Merrill, Alexandra Fausett, Eeshan Kumar, Haizy Kovac, Chloe Griffith-Bloch, Charlie Pettee, Sophie Peterson, Elliot Noah Thompson, Maggie Ciscomani ​